September 26, 2004

Reprieve in Oludinez

After our wonderful Blue Cruise down the coast, we did our best to delay saying goodbye to our fabulous cruise mates by spending a relaxing day in Feyithe. It's a really sweet town, albeit a bit touristy with lots shops selling carpets (shock!), pipes and other Turkish 'treasures.'

Since our day at the Blue Lagoon was a bit cloudy when we were on the boat, we decided to head back there for the afternoon to catch a few more rays. The lagoon is incredibly beautiful and just a bit set back from an equally beautiful beach.

By the time we arrived the beach was packed with like-minded folks, but we managed to squeeze some room for ourselves and our 4 kiwi friends. We topped the night off with a farewell dinner and said goodbye to Mel and Jeremy who are working their way to Istanbul.

Tonight we take another overnight bus (please note my enthusiasm!!!) to Ephesus, the site of some amazing ruins up the coast. Stay tuned for those deets.
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